Mortlach 2.81 invitation card/慕赫2.81 邀請卡
Classic legendary whiskey - Mortlach 2.81
The Golden ages of drinking culture Classic legendary whiskey - Mortlach 2.81 has a hundred years of history;Big & Bold flavor is mainly through a tangle of copper pipes and the six stills in a Byzantine configuration. It is cut, recut, blended, distilled and distilled again.After a total of 2.81 times of repeated distillation, it is like an alchemy-like study.
We will be "the process of mysterious production" of Mortlach. It is a highly interactive invitation card through design idea. Everyone will rotate card , and they can feel the visual of the flow.Maybe it is like time-hourglass (ex. From each stills flow to bottle )It also hints at the secret of Mortlach 2.81 . At the same time, we transform culture and stories into design elements .Ex: Glass translucent / Brass metal / Wooden box / Cork /Witch/Corporate color...welcome to Mortlach party.Best Kept Secret!
來自蘇格蘭威士忌重鎮的猛獸,慕赫 2.81 單一麥芽威士忌
經典傳奇威士忌酒-慕赫 2.81 至今擁有百年歷史; 擁有悠長歷史的 Mortlach 慕赫 2.81 酒廠, 誕生於 1823 年,是蘇格蘭酒鄉斯貝賽 (Speyside) 區 製酒重鎮達夫鎮 (Dufftown) 的首家合法酒廠, 強調多層次的口感主要透過六座風格迥異的蒸餾器,總 計歷經 2.81 次反覆蒸餾,宛如煉金術般的專注, 淬煉出黃金般的威士忌。我們將慕赫威士忌『神秘製作的過程』,透過設計 轉化成為『高互動性的邀請卡』,讓大家透過雙手 旋轉卡片的過程中,感受六個蒸餾瓶流動向中間瓶 身,也同時象徵時間的累積與焠鍊;透過珠子滾動, 除了視覺饗宴之外,它也暗藏著『慕赫 2.81』 釀酒的秘密。
同時我們將企業文化與故事轉化成設計元素與線索, 如:玻璃透光性/黃銅金屬/專屬木盒/軟木塞/女巫/ 企業色系...等您來發現。 委託客戶:帝亞吉歐 (DIAGEO) 背景簡介:是全球知名酒精性飲料領導廠商,提供消費者一流的酒精飲料品牌,包括約翰走路 (Johnnie Walker)、蘇格登 (The Singleton)、慕赫 2.81(Mortlach)...等 150 種產品, 行銷遍及全球 180 個營運據點.